Szkoła Podstawowa klasa 8 – Język angielski
Topic: Exchanging and returning goods – dialogi (wymianaizwrottowarów).
exchange – wymienić
a receipt – paragon
memory – pamięć
high definition resolution – wysokarozdizelczośćobrazu
screen – ekran
receive – otrzymać
accept debit card – akceptowaćkartydebetowe
Zadanie 1.Przeczytaj poniższy tekst – odpowiedz na pytania:

1.Does Chloe like her new tablet?
a Yes, she does.
b No, she doesn’t
2.What does she need?
a More memory, high definition resolution and bigger screen.
b A bigger screen and different color
c A better brand.
3.How much does the new tablet cost?
a The same as the first one
b 50 pounds more than the first one.
c Less than the first one.