Klasa 2 BSI


TEMAT: Superlative cities – opisywanie miast. Stopień najwyższy przymiotników z ever i czasem Present Perfect.

Capital city – stolica

Friendly – przyjazny

Unfriendly – nieprzyjazny

Reputation – reputacja

Rude – niegrzeczny

Polite – grzeczny

Inhabitant – mieszkaniec

Accident – wypadek

Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytanie:

  1. What were the tree tests?
  2. The photo test, the shopping test, the accident test
  3. The photo test, the food test, the smile test
  4. Saying hello, the photo test, the accident test

Posłuchaj jak wypadł test w Londynie:

Odpowiedz na pytania:

  1. Did the first asked man take a photo of Tim?

a. yes

b. no

2. Who did he ask next to take a photo of him?

a. a doctor

b. a businessman

c. a photographer

3. How much did he pay for the bus and the key ring?

a. 60 pounds

b. 100 pounds

c. 40 pounds

4. Did he get the change?

a. no

b. yes

5. What did the man say when Tim fell in the underground?

a. Why don’t you look where you’re going?

b. Can I help you?

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